There was some sort of banquet/black tie- type event in Appleton and my family was attending. I recall being in the kitchen watching all of the food being prepared and an elderly Richard Pryor was in there just hanging out telling stories, which I thought was so cool.
I noticed we were out of cheese so I ran to the store, and as I was returning I noticed the Samsa family walking towards me. The youngest daughter Leta yelled"Kelly!" and came running over to me, and I was surprised she remembered my name. I picked her up and made a comment about how nice it must be to finally be out of the car (since they drove the two hours up from Madison). I put her down and then picked Mina up but she was much heavier so I had to set her down because I feared I would drop her.
When we returned to the banquet I went up to fill my plate with food. I sat down next to mom and as we sat there eating I got a text from Hilary that said "Sorry we're taking so long. The line is very slow."My mom was very impressed at how quickly she could type on her phone and I just laughed.
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