Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I was living with my cousin JJ and I had awoke in the middle of the night to go to bathroom. I knew I was starting a new job in the morning but I wasn't sure what time I started so I called the number on the employment contract. My old co-worker Rob Johnson answered the phone and he  reassured me all teachers start at 10am. I hung up the phone and started cleaning the counter, content with knowing that I was a clean person to live with.

I went into the kitchen to look over the employment contract again and at the top of the page it displayed my fate: Youth Gym Teacher. On the line below it showed three different salaries that totaled $31,500. Suddenly it occurred to me that this was only 1/3 of my current income and I started freaking out. I started to wonder if It was too late to get my job back at the hotel but I knew it wouldn't be the same because now I'd be at the bottom of seniority and I'd be working nights, weekends, etc. I also realized I was going to school and wondered if I would be reimbursed now that I quit halfway through the year to become a teacher there.

When I woke up the next morning I was living with my old friend John Milton and his girlfriend. I was changing into a new pair of shorts and my pockets were full of random junk. John had offered to lend me a duffel bag so I had a place to store all of the things in my pockets I wouldn't need.

As I left for work I said goodbye to to another old friend Joe Ruskiewicz and I promised him we'd hang out after I got out of work.

When I got outside I headed up the hill to go to school and all of Kasia's coworkers were walking amongst me as this was the same route to the museum. On the other side of the hill there was a city called Janel or Tracy and the entire city was a small model (much like a toy train village) and I felt like Godzilla as I walked through, trying my hardest not to crush the homes and businesses beneath me. The last thing I recall thinking is how I wished I knew about this town when my parents were here because I knew they'd get a kick out of it.

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