Saturday, September 10, 2011

I was out in the city with Kasia and got a call from our neighbor asking if I could come over and help him set up his new hamster cage. It sounded a bit bizarre but I went there anyways, and when I arrived he took me into an apartment that we apparently had rented out as a meth lab (obviously thinking about Breaking Bad). All across one half of the ceiling and down one of the walls was filled with embedded sparkling diamonds and I knew that whoever was cooking the latest batch of meth had made a mistake causing the batch to explode. Without hesitation I dragged a table beneath the damaged area and we jumped up and started removing the evidence as quickly as we could.

In the next dream I was in a boat offshore with Jay-Z and he was giving me a blowjob. I was obviously not enjoying it so we rowed back to shore. There was a high building overlooking the water, and I entered it as if I had been there a hundred times. I went upstairs and hung out with his bodyguard and he was saying that Jay-Z wasn't "performing" well because he knew the bodyguard was watching us. I laughed and said "Ironically I need someone watching us in order to cum and he's just the opposite."

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