Friday, January 21, 2011

I was working as a security guard in a hotel on the overnight shift and my partner was Brandon, who was a colleague of mine from my old job at the Sheraton.There were a few other people working with us as well but they seemed like macho pricks so we stayed away from them. I was making a pot of coffee and I couldn't wait to drink it; I even had a packet of pure cane sugar that I was going to pour into it when the time was right, but before I had a chance to do so I was called about a disturbance in one of the rooms.

When I arrived there was a party going on and on a pull out couch I saw two women lying face down completely naked. Both of them were passed out and the guys who were in the room had placed lit cigarettes in the cracks of their legs, which made their assholes turn bright red from being burned. I ran over and brushed the cigarettes off of them and frantically rubbed the ash and embers off of their asscheeks. As they remained motionless I shook them awake so they could do something about the situation but after a few seconds of in cohesive grumbling they were back to sleep. I grabbed some blankets and after covering them up I tried to usher the creepy men out of the room but we all realized they were much bigger than me. In defiance, they stubbornly slumped down onto the floor and acted as if they were going to sleep as well.

After turning off the lights I decided to stay and watch over the girls to make sure the guys didn't try anything stupid, so I went and lay down next to Jen opposite Cassaundra and tried to fall asleep. Moments later Jen awoke and sat up so that she was sitting on her knees facing me. I could tell that one of her hands was tucked between her legs but I couldn't tell what she was doing until she reached over and pulled out my cock, and before I knew it she was stroking it with such passion that the sounds of my sticky pre-cum rubbing against her knuckles were loud enough to wake up Cassaundra. I scrambled to find a blanket to cover up with but it was too late; As soon as I was hard to Jen's satisfaction she crawled on top of me and continued fingering herself, obviously preparing to guide my cock into her. I wriggled myself free so that I was now to the side of her, and squatting down deeper onto all fours she continued to pleasure herself to the point where she was practically convulsing with ecstasy.

I noticed Cassaundra's eyes open again for a brief second and once they closed I shook her and pointed to my position in relevance to her so that she could see I was not fucking Jen. Moments later Jen turned onto her back and I put a blanket over her entire body. As soon as Cassaundra's eyes were closed I felt Jen's hand guiding my right hand down to her crotch. My heart was racing a thousand times a second and as much as a risk it was, I couldn't help but work my way down to her butt hole and it took everything in my creative power to get my finger deep inside and thrust it in and out and she fingered herself to orgasm after writhing orgasm.

All of this was too much for me so I pulled out my cock and stroked away, hoping I could somehow turn around and cum onto her belly when that time came. Her asshole was nice and loose and it turned me on to
no end thinking of all the men she must have let fuck her there. I even debated taking a moment to run to my camera bag and grab a condom so I could do the same, but before I could react I was back wandering
through the hotel doing my job.

At some point I was on a set of stairs talking to Cassaundra when two shady Italian looking guys walked up the stairs and stopped when their faces were at my waist level. One of the guys started yelling as me as if he had planned for a thousand things to say to me and they were all trying to come out at once. The first words we could understand were " I'm Jen's brother and this guy has to go get himself checked out because my sister has gonorrhea and now (pointing at my crotch) so does he."

I was all set to defend myself but by the time I got to "Whoa whoa whoa, I did NOT have sex with her!" I had woken up and couldn't get back to sleep in time to continue my retort.

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