The first thing I remember is being in the hallway back at high school, and I was digging through my locker thinking "wow, I can't believe I'm back! This is sooo weird!" I found a pair of my favorite jeans and as I held them in my hands one of the teachers came up and took them and brought them into her classroom.
By the time I got to the room she was standing there with a pair of scissors and a piece of fabric. She smiled as if to say "Look what I did" and I laughed and said "I know you want me to think you cut my jeans but I know you wouldn't." I held the jeans up to my body and sure enough, they were a few inches too short.
I ran out of the room and went back to my locker, clearing everything out and thinking "why the hell did I ever think it would work coming back to this place?" I found all of my journals strewn about the locker in disrepair, and I spent the rest of the dream trying to sort through them and putting them in a nice pile so I could take them home.
In the next dream I was in a doctor's office with my friend Hilary, Kasia and about four other people. Hilary’s doctor (beard and all) was there giving me a physical. Everyone was seated in a circle as if it was a support group and the doctor was examining a mole that was under my right eyelid (which I actually used to have before I pulled it off a few years ago). He took a pliers-type instrument and proceeded to rip it out, which was followed by a large yolk-type of "sac" that was attached to it. He threw it onto the floor and as it lay there I asked him what it was. He explained that the mole had created an infection under my eye and that even though it's out now it would eventually come back, and it's something I would have to live with for the rest of my life.
No one seemed too concerned, and I woke up as he continued with the examination.